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Vet to Vet Bloomington 


Closed 2/13/25 

See you next week

Vet to Vet 

Thursday Evenings at 6PM

Room B-123

Ivy Tech

Who are We?

 We are Vet to Vet. We are Veterans committed to helping ourselves and other veterans achieve recovery from the psychiatric and adjustment problems we, as Veterans, face. Through these problems, we can feel disconnected from ourselves and from other people. We can regain a connection with people. We can gain back some of what we lost. This is a process, but if we work at it, we can have a whole new outlook on life, and re-invent ourselves anew

Our History 

Vet-to-Vet was started in Cambridge, Massachusetts, by Moe Armstrong who joined Vinfen, a private, nonprofit human services organization. It has since spread across the United States, and received the attention and the support of the VA Medical Centers, recognized for the integral role of peer support in mental health recovery. According to Moe Armstrong, our founder, "we are pioneers" in the vet to vet peer facilitator program. We are here for ourselves, and for you, when you are ready for us. Many times a Veteran will not ask for help until he or she is in crisis. We have a common bond. We got into this together and we will get out of it together.

Women's Veteran Conference 2014

Cathi and I attended the Women's Veterans Conference this summer at the University Of Evansville. We met up with a female veteran who was 103 years old...Pictured below with me....What a special picture this is for me.

October 29, 2013

Myself and Josh Bleill 

"Indianapolis Colts Communtity Spokesperson". OIF Veteran.

Peer Facilitator Cathi Johnson and Josh.

 The above pictures were taken at the City of Bloomington, Council for Community Assessibility, Annual Awards Ceremony. Josh was injured while in Iraq and lost both legs. He was the keynote speaker at the awards event.

 We hope to see you again! Check back later for new updates to our website. Thank You for Your Service! Let us always remember our Service Men and Women who are currently in harms way protecting us and our freedoms! 

We are separate from the VA and if you do not want the VA to know you come to vet to vet meetings they won't know! On the other hand if you need documentation in your VA medical file to show you seek outside help, we can help you get the meeting attendance in your record.

Veterans Crisis Line

(This is also for family and friends of Veterans)



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They have trained professionals standing by to talk with you. From personal experience I can tell you it is safe to call this number. When I was in trouble I was afraid they would come and take me away if I told them the things that were in my mind. The good news is they just talked with me, helped me see things from another perspective, and when we hung up no one came to my house in little white jackets...It was good!

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